SMS-BOX for Lovers

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SMS-BOX for Lovers
Podrobnosti o aplikaci:
Verze: 3.4.0
Datum uploadu: 21 Jun 17
Licence: Volný
Popularita: 1

Rating: 2.4/5 (Total Votes: 925)

SMS-BOX for Lovers & Nbsp;

Často posíláte SMS svému milovanému? Jste zmatený při výběru potřebných slov? Snad se bojíte, když se díváte na obrazovku? Necíťte modré! Stáhněte si java-application SMS-BOX! Je vytvořena pro vaše emocionální, veselá a jasná komunikace. Kromě toho nebudete muset přemýšlet o novém hlášení.

What's SMS-BOX?

SMS-BOX is a collection of striking and creative SMS, always available in your mobile telephone. Java-application with the message sending function is an inexhaustible fantasy source which will make the SMS-communication with your close one(s) more interesting. The collection of SMS-patterns includes more than 500 messages for lovers. Besides love-SMS, you'll be able to present himher with funny, romantic cards!

It's morning again... one more morning without u   "Hi, it's me... your pin-up lady..."   Pangs of love make me look like a cactus... Come and cure me!

How it works?

The java-application is easy to use! Choose SMS you like from the collection and enter a number from your address-book. The message will be sent as an ordinary SMS. To send a card is at equal ease!

Choose a card you like and send it with SMS.   Your addressee receives the SMS, clicks the link pointed in it and sees the card!

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Komentáře k SMS-BOX for Lovers

4 Komentáře
  • LOREAN 17 Dec 17
  • samy 23 Nov 19
    مرحبا اريد العاب حربية
  • Honore hkn 18 Dec 19
    J'admire bien ça
  • Tscope 7 Aug 23
    Good sms
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