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Verze: 1.0
Datum uploadu: 22 Jun 18
Licence: Volný
Popularita: 584
Velikost: 466 Kb
A fourth edition of the superpolpular quiz «Who wants to become a millionaire?» based on the TV show of the same name. The game has a lot of new questions and an interface in Russian. Play yourself, play with your friends and become a millionaire! The essence of the game is to pass a qualifying round, to respond to sophisticated questions and earn money. In case of problems you can always call a friend or ask the audience for help. And, you can earn bonus points in the time test. Everything is as in the popular TV show. More, more, more millions!
"Kdo se chce stát milionářem":
- spousta nových otázek;
- Profily hráčů se statistikami výsledků;
- Tři tipy: "Nápověda publika", "Volání na přítele" a "50 až 50";
- Vše je jako v reálném televizním pořadu, zkuste se stát milionářem!
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